About the Journal
Rohaida Mohd. Saat (Scopus ID) 22953988700 Universiti Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Justine Bukenya MD (Scopus ID) 37090305200 Makerere University Kampala, Uganda Wafaie Fawzi (Scopus ID) 7005578487 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston, United States Kabir Hassan (Scopus ID) 58076530500 University of New Orleans New Orleans, United States Faheemah N. Mustafaa (Scopus ID) 56386147900 University of California, Davis Davis, United States Rebecca Schendel (Scopus ID) 56646320300 Boston CollegeThis link is disabled., Chestnut Hill, United States Kaouthar Gazdar (Scopus ID) 35179452700 Umm Al-Qura University Makkah, Saudi Arabia Rihab Grassa (Scopus ID) 55505935200 Université de la Manouba Manouba, Tunisia Lena Salaymeh (Scopus ID) 26323787400 Oxford Social Sciences Division Oxford, United Kingdom Murat Çokgezen (Scopus ID) 6507676029 Marmara Üniversitesi Istanbul, Turkey Brian Spitzberg (Scopus ID) 6602499851 San Diego State University Mohd Isa Hamzah (Scopus ID) 35075917200 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Nurul Azma Abu Bakar (Scopus ID) 58071584100 Universiti Sultan Zainal AbidinKuala Terengganu, Malaysia Hasan Baharun (Scopus ID) 57200983602 Sinta ID 5973925 Universitas Nurul Jadid Probolinggo Zainul Mun'im (Scopus ID) 58418418300 Sinta ID 6746568 Universitas KH. Mukhtar Syafaat Banyuwangi Kisno Umbar (Scopus ID) 57212558085 Sinta ID 6819119 Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Imron Fauzi (Scopus ID) 59212893400 Sinta ID 6082226 Universitas Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember Muhammad Wahdini (Scopus ID) 59208327700 Sinta ID 6774141 Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya
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