Author Guidelines
[Maximum 14 words in Indonesian or English. The title is concise and straightforward in describing the contents of the article. Try to use creative titles to attract readers]
(Californian FB 12, Bold, spasi 1)
Author1, Author2, Author3
[write the author's full name without a title]
e-mail: 1[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected]
(Center, Californian FB 12, spasi 1)
A maximum 150-word abstract in English with palatino linotype font 11 point, 1 spacing. Abstract should be clear, descriptive, and should provide a brief overview of the problem studied. Abstract topics include reasons for the selection or the importance of research topics, hipothesis, research methods and a summary of the results. Abstract should end with a comment about the importance of the results or brief conclusion.
Keywords: (alfabetic) 3-5 words (separate by commas)
Abstrak maksimum 150 kata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan font palatino linotype 11 poin, 1 spasi. Abstrak harus jelas, deskriptif, dan harus memberikan gambaran singkat tentang masalah yang diteliti. Topik abstrak meliputi alasan pemilihan atau pentingnya topik penelitian, hipotesis, metode penelitian dan ringkasan hasil. Abstrak harus diakhiri dengan komentar tentang pentingnya hasil atau kesimpulan singkat.
Kata kunci : (alfabet) 3-5 kata (dipisahkan dengan koma)
Contains a description of the background of the problem, gaps or research achievements, and research objectives.
This section contains an explanation of the research design used (eg survey, phenomenology, case study, ethnographic, mixed-method). Furthermore, this section also includes research participants, research procedures, data collection, instruments used, and data analysis methods.
This section contains a description of the results of data analysis carried out sequentially and coherently according to the research question or hypothesis.
An explanation of the research findings, related to the results of previous research, is critically analyzed and linked to the relevant literature (maximum number of pages is 30-40% of the total manuscript pages). The discussion section contains a substantial interpretation of the results of the analysis and comparison with previous findings based on a review of the relevant, current and key literature from the last 10 years. This comparison highlights the differences in previous research findings that have the potential to contribute to the development of science.
Conclusion consists of conclusions and recommendations. The conclusion is the formulation of the answer to the research objectives, not a summary of the research results. Short, clear and concise conclusions based on results and discussion (maximum 1 page), made in paragraph form (not numerical), and highlighting new findings that contribute to the development of science. Suggestions are short, clear and concise, and made in paragraph form (not numeric).
(Introduction to Conclusion => Justify, palatino linotype 11, space 1.5)
List the bibliographical references alphabetically. References must include all sources referenced in the manuscript. The reference list contains all in-text references that come from sources that are (a) relevant, (b) at least 70% are recent studies (last 10 years), and (c) at least 80% are primary studies, especially journal articles. References in the Journal of JKaKa (Islamic communication and counseling) refer to APA edition 6, year 2010.
The following shows examples of writing a reference.
- Example for journal without Digital Object Identifier (doi)
Arbiyah, N., Nurwianti, F., & Oriza, D. (2008). Hubungan bersyukur dengan subjective well being pada penduduk miskin. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 14(1), 11-24.
Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 73-82.
- Example of journal with Digital Object Identifier (doi)
Buchori, B. (2014). Dakwah Melalui Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam. Jurnal Konseling Religi, 5(1), 1-18. doi: 10.21043/kr.v5i1.1057
- Example of writing a newspaper article
Jawa Pos (2020, Agustus). Melonjak 346 Kasus, Pasien Covid-19 Jadi 687 Orang di Banyuwangi. Jawa Pos. Diunduh dari tanggal 19 September 2020.
- Examples of unpublished thesis, thesis or dissertation
Sri, S.H. (2015). Manajemen Bimbingan dan Konseling Keagamaan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Terpadu Al-Furqon Palembang. (Tesis Tidak Dipublikasikan). Program Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Raden Fatah, Palembang.
Rimawati, AB (2010). Model teoretik prasangka sosial. (Disertasi Tidak Dipublikasikan). Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
- Example for a book
Nurhayati, E. (2018). Bimbingan, Konseling, dan Psikoterapi Inovatif (Vol.2). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
- Articles are arranged in a concise, concise manner and contain a range of 4500–8000 words, including tables, figures and reference.
- HAPTER writing uses UPPERCASE and BOLD (in the writing of INTRODUCTION, THEORY BASIS, and so on). Writing sub-chapters uses Capitalize Each Word and Bold (for example writing Participants, Data Collection, Data Analysis, and so on).
- Quotations are written with a model footnote. Example: Nevid, Jeffrey et al. Abnormal Psychology (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2014), 163.
- Articles in journals or other publications may have a different writing format. The format in this guidebook refers to the publication format of the Journal of JKaKa–Faculty of Da'wah and Islamic Communication–IAI Darussalam Banyuwangi.