Author Guidelines
JURNAL At-Taujih contains articles that meet the following conditions:
- Articles are summaries of scientific papers of research and Thought Outcomes that have not been published or are not in the process of publishing.
- Articles written in Indonesian, English A maximum of 20 A4 pages with 1.5 spacing
- Articles in Indonesian or English are typed with Times New Roman font size 12 point, while in Arabic typed with Arabic Transparant font size 18 point
- Articles are written with systematics as follows:
- The headline is written in bold small letters except the first letter of each word using capital letters, for example: Poverty Reduction Strategy According to Islamic Sharia in Banyuwangi District
- The author's name is written without a title, eg Ahmad Munib Syafa'at
- Abstracts in Indonesian maximum 250 words with the purpose, methods, and findings
- Keywords in Indonesian maximum of five words
- Background
- Problems
- The literature review contains relevant previous research and theoretical foundations
- Research methods
- The discussion contains research findings and analysis
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Include the author's identity, consisting of the name and address of the institution, hp number and email
- Excerpts are written with bodynote models , for example: (Rosenberg, 1955: 29)
- Writing a bibliography follows the following example:
Sample book : Rahman, Fazlur. 1985. Islam and Modernity. An Intellectual Transformation . Chicago: Chicago University.
Example of the journal : Dhofier, Zamakhsyari. 2002. School of al-Qur'an and Islamic Education in Indonesia . Journal UlumulQu'ran, Vol. III, No 4: 20-55.
- Include a list of libraries quoted only in articles and written alphabetically
- Tables and pictures are numbered and the title or description is clear
- Arabic transliteration writing using library of conggres(attached)
- The article is sent formatted attached fileMS Word (rtf)
- Authors whose articles are published, contribute printing and get number of proof of loading as much as 1 (one) copies along with printed release. Articles not loaded will be returned