Author Guidelines

JURNAL At-Taujih contains articles that meet the following conditions:

  1. Articles are summaries of scientific papers of research and Thought Outcomes that have not been published or are not in the process of publishing.
  2. Articles written in Indonesian, English A maximum of 20 A4 pages with 1.5 spacing
  3. Articles in Indonesian or English are typed with Times New Roman font size 12 point, while in Arabic typed with Arabic Transparant font size 18 point
  4. Articles are written with systematics as follows:
  5. The headline is written in bold small letters except the first letter of each word using capital letters, for example: Poverty Reduction Strategy According to Islamic Sharia in Banyuwangi District
  6. The author's name is written without a title, eg Ahmad Munib Syafa'at
  7. Abstracts in Indonesian maximum 250 words with the purpose, methods, and findings
  8. Keywords in Indonesian maximum of five words
  9. Background
  10. Problems
  11. The literature review contains relevant previous research and theoretical foundations
  12. Research methods
  13. The discussion contains research findings and analysis
  14. Conclusion
  15. Bibliography
  16. Include the author's identity, consisting of the name and address of the institution, hp number and email
  17. Excerpts are written with bodynote models , for example: (Rosenberg, 1955: 29)
  18. Writing a bibliography follows the following example:

Sample book : Rahman, Fazlur. 1985. Islam and Modernity. An Intellectual Transformation . Chicago: Chicago University.

Example of the journal : Dhofier, Zamakhsyari. 2002. School of al-Qur'an and Islamic Education in Indonesia . Journal UlumulQu'ran, Vol. III, No 4: 20-55.

  1. Include a list of libraries quoted only in articles and written alphabetically
  2. Tables and pictures are numbered and the title or description is clear
  3. Arabic transliteration writing using library of conggres(attached)
  4. The article is sent formatted attached fileMS Word (rtf)
  5. Authors whose articles are published, contribute printing and get number of proof of loading as much as 1 (one) copies along with printed release. Articles not loaded will be returned