Kurikulum 13 Dan Pengajaran Maharah Istima’ Di Asrama Hasbullah Sa’id Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang

Pendahuluan, Metode Penelitian, Hasil dan Pembahasan, Kesimpulan


  • Nuril Mufidah
  • Moh Rifqi Falah Al Farabi Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Malang, Indonesia




Curriculum 13 , Learning Method , Maharah Istima'


This study describes the implementation of Maharah Istima' learning at the Hasbullah Sa'id P. P. Mamba'ul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang islamic boarding school in the 2022/2023 academic year and the responses or responses of the students regarding the teaching methods used. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research. Types of case studies conducted by interview and observation methods, and documentation. In the observation method, the researcher observed Maharah Istima' teaching and learning process. In the interview method, the researcher interviewed Arabic teachers. The results of this study are, 1. The Istima' learning method is carried out with (ilqo' Mufrodat) namely students gather in front of the islamic boarding school to recite mufrodat together, then memorize it. The second method is listening to Arabic conversations from the islamic boarding school sound in the morning before the students go to school. The third method is by including Maharah Istima' as a mandatory lesson every week. This learning method involves the teacher playing Arabic video and audio, then they write down the sentences they listen to and submit them to the teacher. 2. The responses from the students were quite varied, those who were active and diligent in class would understand the lessons well, and those who slept in class were less able to understand well.


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