Analisis Giro Wadi’ah dan Tabungan Wadi’ah Terhadap Laba PT BNI Syariah
Wadi’ah Giro, Wadi’ah Savings and ProfitAbstract
The research objectives of this study are: To determine the influence of wadi'ah demand deposits on PT BNI syariah earnings, to find out the amount of wadi'ah savings on PT BNI Syariah earnings and to know the simultaneous influence between wadi'ah demand deposits and wadi'ah savings on profit (Y) of PT BNI Syariah. This type of research is quantitative research. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results of this study are 1) Significantly current account (X1) to earnings (Y) is obtained tcount ttable, tcount is 6.767 and ttable 2.365 means significant; 3) Simultaneously wadi'ah (X1) and wadi'ah savings (X2) to earnings (Y) are obtained with an error level of 5%, a Fcount value of 34.880 is obtained while Ftable is 5.14, then Fcount> Ftabel means Significant proven that wadi'ah (X1) and wadi'ah savings (X2) variables significantly influence earnings (Y) at PT BNI Syariah.
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How to Cite
Indah Rofiqoh, S. N., & Aini, A. Q. (2021). Analisis Giro Wadi’ah dan Tabungan Wadi’ah Terhadap Laba PT BNI Syariah. JPSDa: Jurnal Perbankan Syariah Darussalam, 1(1), 12–29.